🕚 Eleven O’clock emoji

🕚 meaning - Eleven O’clock

Well, eleven o’ clock seems like a great time clock emoji to be used the next time you decide to have a wild drive and the next time you visit that night club you haven’t visited in months. We all know what this emoji is used for, and that’s the start of one great night, whether to celebrate a birthday or something even bigger, this emoji captions every snap that you take while on your way to the disco, or when in a grocery shop to buy some extra few bottles of wine, just in case you drink it all. Eleven-thirty

Copy and paste Eleven O’clock emoji

Copy and paste 🕚 with one click!    
Tweet with this button
Use shortcode : :clock11:
Note: - If you can't see the emoji, your device may not support Eleven O’clock emoji but you can still use it on other platforms.

Representations : Eleven O’Clock Time:Clock 11:00 can be represented by 🕚 emoji.

Examples of 🕚 emoji :

TickTockTickTockTickTockTickTock ..... BOOM💣 🕑🕔🕗🕚🕝🕠🕣🕣🕒🕕🕘🕛🕞🕡🕤🕤🕐🕖🕜🕟🕢🕥🕥🕢🕟🕜🕙🕖🕓🕐🕒🕕🕘🕛🕞🕡🕤🕧🕦🕣🕠🕝🕚🕔🕑🕜🕛🕞🕟🕢🕥🕤🕡🕛🕙🕜🕛🕘🕕🕖 💥💥
Good morning 😊 ... it's October 6 again - how fast time passes. 🕚
Oh, almost eleven, I have to go to bed. Good night, people, sleep well. 🕚🌕🔜🛌
Hahaha 16.00 clock but what time zone 😂🤡-🕐🕑🕒🕓🕔🕕🕖🕗🕘🕙🕚🕛🦄
Never in life can you stand it! 🕤🕙🕥🕚🕦
It is 23 o'clock 🕚 good night ❤️
Understandable in the number of new German skilled workers. 👳☝🕚

How Eleven O’clock emoji appear on Apple, Google and other platforms?

but currently not supported in Mozilla

Eleven O’clock may look different on every device. In the above images you can view how Eleven O’clock emoji appears on different devices. Emoji of Eleven O’clock can be used on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and many other platforms and OS but not supported in Mozilla. Some devices may show a blank box or X instead of Eleven O’clock emoji as every device doesn't support each one of the emoji.

History of Eleven O’clock emoji

This emoji was first introduced in Unicode 6.0 in October, 2010 which was followed by addition to Emoji 1.0 in August, 2015. Eleven O’clock emoji appeared on iOS 5.0, Android 4.3, EmojiOne 1.0 for the first time.

Eleven O’clock in other languages

LanguageShort Name

What is the code of Eleven O’clock emoji?

Unicode : U+1F55A
Hex Code
Code Point(s):    1f55a
HTML Entity:   🕚
UTF-8: F0 9F 95 9A
UTF-8 (C): F0 9F 95 9A
UTF-16: 0xd83ddd5a
UTF-16 (C): 0xD83D 0xDD5A
UTF-32: 1F55A
UTF-32 (C): 0x00001F55A
Decimal Code
Code Point(s): 128346
HTML Entity: 🕚
UTF-16: 55357 56666
UTF-32: 128346
Octal Code
UTF-8: 360 237 225 232
Other developer codes:
PHP: "\xf0\x9f\x95\x9a"
Python: u"\U0001F55A"
Java, C++, C: "0xD83D\uDD5A"

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